Welcome to the Cali Rose Co. Mutual Aid Donations Portal! 

From economic to environmental resources, Cali Rose Co. is intended to redirect the flow of these necessities to the areas of our society that need them most.

💰 Got some coins to spare? 💰

Well, We know a few places for you to send them!

Click on one of the AMAZING community causes below to get your ‘Mutual Aid’ on!

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The Tender Foundation

“Motherhood can be immensely difficult with the appropriate resources and support. Unfortunately, many mamas in our city are currently navigating these barriers: Eviction, Childcare Costs, Affordable Housing, Food, Low Income, Generational Poverty, and Single Motherhood. We are committed to being a safe haven for the mothers of Atlanta using the power of our community to protect and provide our mamas with the TLC they deserve. “


Free99 Fridge

“Free99Fridge, like many other community fridges, operates on what is known as a mutual aid model. This differs from a traditional charity with the goal of empowerment. For the people. From the people. There are many ways that you can provide mutual aid to the community with what you have. Provide to the community with what you do have so that all may be able to take what they need.”


The Georgia Conservancy

“The Georgia Conservancy is a statewide, member-supported conservation organization. We recognize the connection between the environment, the economy and equity.

Since its founding in 1967, Georgia Conservancy and its members have ensured the protection and conservation of some of our state’s most precious natural places. This vital work continues to expand and evolve.”


The Captain Planet Foundation

“The mission of the Captain Planet Foundation is to give the next generation of environmental stewards an active understanding and love for the natural world in which they live. Our unique program of funding and supporting hands-on environmental projects is designed to encourage innovative initiatives that inspire and empower children and youth around the world as they work individually and collectively creating environmental solutions in their homes, schools and communities.”

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Seeding Sovereignty

“Seeding Sovereignty, an Indigenous-led collective, works to radicalize and disrupt colonized spaces through land, body, and food sovereignty work, community building, and cultural preservation. By investing in Indigenous folks and communities of the global majority, we cross the threshold of liberation together.


Native Women’s Wilderness

“Native Women's Wilderness was created to bring Native women together to share our stories, support each other, and learn from one another as we endeavor to explore and celebrate the wilderness and our native lands. [Our Mission is] to inspire and raise the voices of Native Women in the Outdoor Realm. To encourage a healthy lifestyle within the Wilderness. To provide education of the Ancestral Lands and its People.”

Donations Portal

‘Leaving People + Places Better Than We Found Them’

Learn more about what Cali Rose Co. plans to do to leave people + places better than we found them.