Cali Rose Interiors

Welcome to Cali Rose Co.
Interior Consultation + Design Services

Our Philosophy: We believe the spaces we encounter on a daily basis can greatly dictate how we flow through each day. By prioritizing functionality, mental + environmental health in our designs, we are able to establish unique interiors that promote wellbeing across the board.

Cali Rose Interior Services

Here in the Interiors Department, our mission is to help our clients establish and maintain a stylish + joyful ambiance in their home, office + retail spaces.

From Decluttering Assistance to UPcycling your grandma’s favorite dresser to fit your brand new design; our only goal is to make your space work for you.

Review our services + get started today!

Don’t know where to begin?
Contact us here, and we can get you pointed in the right direction.

Intentional living starts here… Reduce. Reuse. UPcycle.