Leaving People + Places Better Than We Found Them

As a company, we fully believe in the phrase ‘Don’t talk about it, BE about it’!

And because we believe in that phrase, we also believe that taking action against the social + environmental injustices that we witness daily is vital for overall liberation.

Here’s how Cali Rose Co. is attempting to ‘BE about it’:

  1. The various vendors we work with to help stock our ‘Reduce.’ category in our Marketplace give portions of their profits to support humanitarian + environmental causes they identify closely with. This helps us ensure that our dollars are circulating to the appropriate causes, enabling us to ‘put our money where our mouth is’.

  2. The items we create in-house are local, handmade and sustainably sourced; often including orphaned + UPcycled ™ materials. (These items can be found in the ‘UPcycle’ category in our online shop). Doing this allows us to be incredibly intentional when creating items for our shop, while offering shoppers unique, alternative options that they can feel inspired by.

  3. We are actively developing the infrastructure to funnel a regular portion of our own profits + donations to financially back those who are already doing the groundwork (via the ‘Leave It Better Than You Found It’ Mutual Aid Effort). Starting Summer 2025, for every $1000 we reach in monthly Marketplace profits we will donate $110 to mutual aid efforts.*

  4. We also are big on transparency, so rest assured we will be seeking a means of keeping tabs on where all of (y)our dollars are going once we have donated them to the charitable causes we resonate with. 

    (Please be patient with us as we figure all of this out. We are a very small company trying to make a big change.)

To be honest, it feels like we are attempting Mission Impossible… but with your help + kindness, we know nothing is impossible!

*Beginning in Summer 2023, Cali Rose Co. will be launching the ‘Leave It Better Than You Found It’ Mutual Aid Distribution Effort. This Effort will collect and redirect funds and resources gathered from donations + 11% of our Marketplace’s profits (starting in Summer 2025) to various local charities + non-profit organizations. For every $1000 in monthly Marketplace profits, we will donate $110 to the Mutual Aid Fund.

We know that we can’t do it all, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t do what we can. For Cali Rose Co., that begins with helping our community.

The juxtaposition of having to run a capitalism-based business, while being committed to critiquing + demanding better of capitalism is the friction that fuels our passion. So join us in getting our “Captain Planet” on and let’s ‘Close The Loop’ one step at a time!


The Legend of Cali Rose Co.


Sustainability 101