‘Howdy, I’m Jaz!’

An introductory blog from Jaz, the founder of Cali Rose Co.

Jaz Flowers In Hair.JPG

Who is Jaz?

Well, hello there! 

I am Jazmine McBride, Owner + Founder of Cali Rose Co., but you can call me Jaz! 

I’m an Atlanta-born + raised artisan who adores learning, nature, and making things with my hands.

As a business lady, I specialize in UPcycling + Interior Design, and as a human being, I specialize in having compassion for the world around me.

(I’m still trying to figure out if this is a weakness or a superpower, haha 😅)

In 2019, I graduated from Georgia State University with a Bachelor's Degree in Interior Design and a minor in French. Outside of my educational background, I have always had a passion for creating things and making the world around me a beautiful place.

Some have called me a hobby-a-holic, and I couldn’t agree more! I love to keep myself busy learning and trying new things. Whether that be gardening, painting, throwing down on the pottery wheel, crochet, macrame, whipping out the sewing machine, DIYing some skincare, or UPcycling some thangs… you name it, I probably love it! 

If you would like to keep up with what I’m crafting or growing next, you should check out my blog + follow me on instagram!


How It Works…


The Legend of Cali Rose Co.